the voice of the potato traders and processors


Who is Belgapom?

Belgapom is the recognised association for the Belgian potato trade and processing industry. Its task is to defend the interest of the Belgian potato merchants, the prepackers, the exporters, the potato peeling industry, the potato processing industry and the producers and traders of seed potatoes. 


Two sections which are independently functioning (trade and processing industry) and a board which is covering the activities of both section, a general president and a full time secretariat, make Belgapom the spokesman of the potato trade and processors. This as well with the Belgian, Flemish as Walloon authorities and social partners, on Belgian and European level.

Belgapom is member of EUROPATAT (the European potato trade) and of EUPPA (the European potato processing industry).

Belgapom is member of UNIZO and FEVIA.
By means of these two organisations, Belgapom is represented in a number of counsels such as the advisory committee of the Belgian agency for the safety of food and plants AFSCA,  the committee bringing together the unions and the employers' association for the workers and employees of the food indstry, the socian fund of the food industry and the 2nd pillar. OVOCOM, de Flemish agricultural and horticultural council, the VLIMO project (environment) the Flemish food industry, de MINA-council etc. 

Board  secretariat

Annual Report

Download our Annual Report

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